Check out the Funds Programmescarried out throughout the country
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Chceck out the Funds Programmescarried out Internationally
Check what the Funds offerin the national plan
Check out the Funds Programmes carried out throughout your region
the value of the Funds for the purposes for the years 2021-2027
99 729 supported enterprises
9 350 performed works and R&D projects
8 847 product innovations
277 supported universities
3 450 purchased and modernized rolling stock units
1 125 780 unemployed supported
71 350 beneficiaries of support for starting independent business operation
99 729 enterprises supported
9 350 R&D projects implemented
6 660 research units and enterprises supported in the field of R&D activities
2 442 implemented R&D results
4 087 process innovations
2 663 non-technological innovations
69 658 process innovations
202 668 school and vocational education institution students participating in placements and apprenticeships with employers
277 non-technological innovations
2 637 km of express, trunk, regional and local roads constructed and refurbished
1 276 km of motorways and express roads constructed
3 127 vehicles for municipal public passenger transport purchased
3 450 rolling stock units purchased and modernised
1 032 277 people covered by the health programme
532 869 people subjected to precautionary examination
135 551 persons with disabilities supported
9 883 premises adjusted to the needs of persons with disabilities